Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mom's Easy Chicken and Dumpling soup

2 boneless skinless chicken breast
1 package pie dough (double crust)
1 package of frozen cut carrots
1 medium onion chopped
5 stalks of celery chopped
2 large cans of chicken broth
mrs dash, dill weed, salt,pepper

 the night before you make this dish
open up your pie crusts and cut them both into even squares
leave them covered on counter over night or a few hours works to in time rush
in a large pot boil chicken breasts in water
add chopped onions and celery
cook until chicken is fully cooked through
and celery is tender
drain off most of water

leaving just about an inch of water left in your boiling pot
remove chicken and chop into bite size pieces
I do this after cooking ,chicken stays moister this way
add back to boiling pot
add one and half large can of chicken broth
cover and save remaining to thin soup  for reheating second day
add bag of frozen carrots,and seasonings
on medium heat ..let carrots get tender and bring to a low boil
slowly add dough squares
stir frequently
till you have add all or most your dough squares  to a low boiling soup base

you don't want them to clump together so stir!
continue to cook on a low boil for 10 minutes and turn down to simmer another 15
soup base will thicken so you may have to add a half cup or so of water
or more chicken broth
To reheat next day add remaining amount of chicken broth and heat

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